Enterprise DNA Updates For June And What To Look Forward To In July

by | Power BI

As we say goodbye to the first half of the year, we’re amazed at how much we’ve accomplished so far. We stayed true to our commitment of releasing courses month over month and there were a lot of Enterprise DNA updates that involved resources, events, and challenges that allowed both members and non-members to enhance their Power BI skills even further.

We’re also excited to see what else is in store for our entire community as we usher in the year’s 2nd half. For sure, we’re going to continue the education and collaborative opportunities that we’ve always committed to providing.

Here’s a look back at what happened here at Enterprise DNA in June and a peek at what to expect for July.

Launch of New Course: Power Query / M Masterclass

We ended June with a bang through this most anticipated course about Power Query and M Codes. This masterclass is facilitated by Enterprise DNA Expert Melissa de Korte, a genius when it comes to this topic as witnessed by our active forum participants.

This is the 1st in a many-part series. Both beginners and advanced Power BI users can learn a lot from this course, especially when it comes to Power Query Editor, M data types and operators, using the “let” expression, and selection and projection.

Beginners can gain best practices that they can apply to their own report development process, while advanced users can learn how to maximize custom functions for their reports and dashboards.

Power Platform Course

The Microsoft Power Platform is a collective term used for three products that make data more accessible for every kind of user – Power BI, Power Apps, and Power Automate. Here at Enterprise DNA, we have an endless amount of content geared towards helping both members and non-members level up their game when it comes to Power BI. But now, we want to take that further by bringing all three of these powerful tools together so that users can take on data from every possible perspective.

That’s where our Power Platform course comes in.

enterprise dna updates

The Power Platform course contains materials that will teach you how to maximize the use of the Power Platform tools to enhance the way you present and interpret data. It includes tutorials on how to use Power Apps and Power Automate, how to create custom apps, how to refresh Power BI data through Power Automate, and more.

Three New Showcases On Documentation

The Power BI Showcase features downloadable reports and dashboards that members can use as an educational tool or for hands-on practice. It’s a great way to see how Power BI can be used across various applications.

Power BI Showcase

One such application would be creating documentation. Knowing how to prepare detailed documentation is just as important as creating insightful reports. That’s why we’ve added three new showcases about the topic.

enterprise dna updates
power bi showcase

These showcases can also serve as inspiration for those who are struggling to put together their own reports. By downloading these PBIX files, you can piece together how these reports were built and what elements were used.

These reports are some of the best submissions in the previously concluded 13th round of the Power BI Challenge.

Power BI Challenge 14: Emergency Services Analytics

If there’s one thing we love about the Power BI community, it’s the collaborative spirit that can be seen especially in the Enterprise DNA Forum. To make things more interesting, we added a little fun competition into the mix in the form of the Power BI Challenges. And since we first introduced these challenges last year, we’ve seen a new breed of skill and talent emerge not just from the Enterprise DNA community, but from other Power BI communities as well.

We launched the 14th round in June, and this time, it’s all about Emergency Services Analytics.

This has been another great way to show how dynamic Power BI really is. From the 1st challenge up to now, it’s amazing how we’ve covered different industries and applications. With a few more days to go before the deadline, we can’t wait to see the amazing submissions that participants will turn in for this round.

Power BI Accelerator

When it comes to the learning process, resource materials can only get you to a certain point in your development. The best way to learn the ins and outs of Power BI would still be through hands-on experience. That’s why we introduced the Power BI Accelerator, a problem-solving exercise built for Power BI beginners.

enterprise dna updates

The Enterprise DNA Education Platform was built to helps beginners start from the basics and progress based on the learning path they think is best for the path they want to take. But ideally, they all start at the same point – the Ultimate Beginners Guide to Power BI.

The problems given in the Power BI Accelerator works parallel to the Beginners Guide. Basically, it gives actual hands-on practice that can help beginners master each step of the process. The problems are also designed to be short and sweet, with each problem only requiring an hour or less to be completed.

Each problem will run for two weeks, after which a live teaching session and Q&A with our Enterprise DNA experts will be done so that participants can check whether their solution is correct or not. These teaching sessions will be available for all our members.

June Events: Business Analytics Week, Power BI Mastermind, And More

June was a great month especially for our members because of the amazing mix of events that happened in Enterprise DNA.

First, we had the Power BI Mastermind with our founder, Sam McKay and Greg Philps, one of our Enterprise DNA Experts. In this class, they talked about how Greg built his report about service desk issues and shared best practices that other Power BI users can replicate in their report development process.

We also had a live training workshop called Getting Started With PowerApps where participants were showed how to incorporate the Power Apps into their Power BI dashboard, which apps can improve productivity, and what limited transformations can be done through the power query editor.

Then, we spent two days on the Business Analytics Week. The 1st session covered how to discover unique and valuable insights, how to get advanced analytics using DAX, how to identify patterns and outliers, and how to understand deviations for the usual analysis. The 2nd session was about Power Apps and Power Automate, connecting operations between applications, creating complex workflows, and streamlining common business practices.

What To Look Forward To In July

As we usher in the 2nd half of the year, we’ve got exciting events for both members and non-members.

We’re concluding the 1st round of the Power BI Accelerator in July 8th through a member-exclusive solution walkthrough and Q&A session. We’re also having a class called Data Model Development: Best Practices In Power BI on July 9, which is open to everyone. Then, we’ll be having another Power BI Mastermind, this time with Sam McKay and Diana Bello. This will be a member-only event on July 16th.

Expect some news about a new functional lab, industry lab, and Enterprise app build sessions with our very own Sam McKay on the Enterprise DNA YouTube Channel.

We’re also expanding our reach and allowing even more people to benefit from our expertise as we introduce Enterprise DNA Courses on Udemy.

Stay tuned to the Enterprise DNA Blog and stay connected to our community at the Enterprise DNA Forum for more Enterprise DNA updates and announcements.

All the best,

Enterprise DNA Team

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