Enterprise DNA Update – September, 2020

by | Power BI

A New Monthly Wrap Up From Enterprise DNA 

This is the start of a new monthly review that we plan to do at Enterprise DNA for the foreseeable future. 

We thought it was a good idea to start detailing a lot of the fantastic initiatives that are happening within our platform and the wider Enterprise DNA group. 

This month we saw several exciting updates to a number of areas of our platform. 

Brand New Power BI Showcases Released 

The first update being brand new showcases launching on the showcase page. We now have over 70 downloadable resources and reports for those who have access to our education platform. This month we released some innovative Power BI report designs based around data scenarios, including insurance complaints, client appointments, and client satisfaction results. 

There is so much inspiration that can be drawn from just these three showcases. I highly recommend anyone looking to learn more about high-quality storytelling with Power BI to review the free viewing that we enable on our website.

Refreshed Enterprise DNA Certification Now Live 

This month we released our refreshed Enterprise DNA Certification

We have thought deeply about how to create the most practical certification program for Power BI users. 

I feel we’ve stayed very true to our philosophy and created a sequence of testing and challenges that will showcase the true understanding of Power BI and superior analytical skills of those in our programs. 

Learn more here.

Completed New Rounds Of The Power BI Challenge 

We also had two challenges completed within September. Challenge #6 and #7 were both finalized throughout the month and we had some spectacular report submissions. The community is producing some amazing work and it’s also great to see vast improvements being made by certain participants from challenge to challenge. Check out the detailed write-ups by the Enterprise DNA team for each challenge round at the links below. 

Power BI Challenge 6 – Insurance Complaints Wrap Up

Power BI Challenge 7 – Purchases, Sales, and Inventory (winners to be announced soon)
We also launched our new Power BI Challenge Showcase! We’re now collating every single submission and making all the underlying reports available to those with platform access. You can learn more at the new module created here. 

Power BI Challenge Showcase

This is an exciting development for us, as it’s been a dream of mine to unleash the immense creativity stored within our community. This is just the start… 

Traction Growing For Our Center of Excellence (CoE) Program 

We’ve also started to see a lot of traction around our corporate offering, which we recently rebranded to Enterprise DNA Center of Excellence. We did this to align with the deeper partnership requirements that organisations have when looking to deploy Power BI successfully throughout their teams. 

We’ve been upgrading many aspects of our CoE platform, including customized learning maps for business functions, updated questionnaires for our Power BI Skills Assessments, and much more. 

We’ve begun discussions with a variety of large organizations to more closely embed our platform into their own digital Center of Excellence. More announcements to come very soon on how we’re empowering some great progress in some substantial Power BI deployments around the world. 

30 For 30 Video Series Now Complete 

We also finished up our 30 for 30 video series on the Enterprise DNA TV YouTube channel. There were 30 videos over 30 days around a range of Power BI topics. If you haven’t had a chance to view any of these check out the channel and review videos from the last month to a month and a half. You’ll find so many great ideas around analytical techniques, creative designs, Power BI features and then combining these all to create valuable analytical solutions. 

Another Successful Month Of Virtual Education Events 

In September we also held this quarter’s Business Analytics Week. This was a well-attended event with over 1200 registrations from analysts around the world. We covered some intermediate to advanced Power BI techniques that are essential to embed into reports to discover insights that will make a difference.

Huge Updates To Our Future Virtual Events Program 

We’ve made some significant updates to our events page at Enterprise DNA. We hold a lot of events virtually. We are increasing the cadence of these and re-branding some of our most popular historic workshops. 

We’ve also launched a range of new private roundtable discussions. We have some new virtual discussions (on Zoom) targeted at data leaders and executives looking to more widely deploy Power BI.  

We also have a brand new weekly discussion for analysts looking to understand what learning curve they should be targeting if they want to master Power BI. 

Check out the link below for more detailed summaries of our upcoming events. 

Enterprise DNA Events

A busy month with a mountain of updates and releases happening. 
Watch out for more updates next month, where we have the exciting pre-release of the Analyst Hub.

Founder, Enterprise DNA 

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