Website Analytics Report In Power BI

by | Power BI

In this Power BI Showcase, we have a simple website analytics report showing the metrics of a company. You may watch the full video of this tutorial at the bottom of this blog.

These website analytics are focused on a day’s worth of data from users within the Asia Pacific area.

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Website Visits

The key metrics are simply laid out in the first report.

website analytics report

We can see the performance of the website in terms of visits. We can also see some site metrics which include the percentage of emails that we’ve captured from the users.

There are also visualizations containing the number of website visitors per city and country:

We can also see the number of new visitors and statistics on the nature of their web searches:

website analytics report

There’s data on where the visitors are coming from in terms of the search engine and web browser. The data also includes the device used to perform the search.

Bounce Rate Metrics

In this report page, there’s more information about the performance of the website. 

website analytics report

We can see the statistics of the last pages viewed by visitors:

This information gives us good insight into where users usually navigate within the site.

Moreover, a great technique that we can use in Power BI is changing the dimensions of a chart based on a filter.

Each selection in the filter gives different information and statistics on the performance of the website.

Website Conversions

In this report, we have information on the website conversions.

website analytics report

The report contains information on the user sentiments, including sparklines which show short-term trends. 

Another piece of information provided by this report is the keyword rankings:

We might want to understand where and how we are ranked or see the trends in the rankings per search engine.

There’s also information on our subscribers:

We can see the cumulative data on the number of people subscribing to our website.

And lastly, we have information around the sentiment of the people using our site:

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This Power BI Showcase presented a website analytics report that we can set up to gain valuable insights on the performance of our website.

We can identify how we are doing in terms of user engagement and keyword ranking.

This gives us a good idea on the areas in our website that needs further improvement.

All the best,


Enterprise DNA On-Demand Free Resources

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