Enterprise DNA May Updates: New Masterclasses, Showcases, and More

by | Power BI

May was such an amazing month for Enterprise DNA. True to tradition, we made sure that we provide every opportunity for learning and collaboration to push the entire community to be the best Power BI users they can be. Here are a few Enterprise DNA updates that show just that.

Power Apps and Power Automate Masterclasses

Any Enterprise DNA follower and member knows that we bring in at least one new course every month to make sure you’re all learning as much as you can about Power BI. In May, we made it even better by introducing two masterclasses that can amplify your data skillset.

Power BI is amazing enough as it is. However, it still couldn’t be considered as an all-in-one business tool. This is where the Microsoft Power Platform comes in. This platform includes three powerful tools — Power BI, Power Apps, and Power Automate. Together, they make data more accessible to the regular user.

This is why we believe these masterclasses on Power Apps and Power Automate were exactly what everyone needed. Jumping from just Power BI to the full Power Platform, users can shift from merely creating reports and visualizations to creating full-blown enterprise application. When used together, this power trio’s seamless integrative nature provides limitless possibilities.

new enterprise dna masterclasses

Power Apps allows users to create custom apps with little to no coding know-how, while Power Automate creates automated workflows, eliminating repetition and saving a lot of time despite using Microsoft and third-party applications together.

new enterprise dna masterclasses

Together, these two classes have a total of 15 hours’ worth of learning materials built to help every participant go beyond what they could already do with Power BI.

New Showcases on Logistics, Transport and Shipping

We also released quite a powerhouse of new showcases in May, all of them having that perfect combination of delivering extensive insights and amazing visualizations. The Power BI Showcase is a collection of reports and dashboards that can be downloaded and studied whether as a tool for hands-on practice or simply to find inspiration for the reports that members are working on.

Power BI Showcase

All three showcases released in May revolved around logistics, transport and shipping. These show that Power BI truly is a dynamic tool that can be used across various industries.

Power BI Showcase
Power BI Showcase
Enterprise DNA updates

Once users dive deep into these downloadable .pbix files, they can get tips and ideas on how they can improve their own report development process as well, regardless if they’re also working within the logistics industry or not.

PBIC 13: Acing Documentation

We love encouraging collaboration, and sometimes, some fun competition as well. That’s why we continue to release Power BI Challenges through the Enterprise DNA Forum to get more people to jump in on the fun as well.

Staying true to the spirit of these challenges, we always make sure that we have something different for the participants to get their hands on every round. This time, we wanted to focus on documentation and how it heightens the impact on any Power BI report.

The main goal in this round is to create a report to document the results of another report. Using a different tool called Document Model was recommended, but is not required.

Our team has yet to announce a winner, but seeing the entries we’ve received so far, it looks like this will be quite a challenge to judge.

New Power Users and Experts

One of the best things about being part of the Enterprise DNA community is having the chance to collaborate and get recommendations from users who have years of experience and have a lot of knowledge to share. We have a team of Enterprise DNA Experts who have mastered the way Power BI works and are gurus in their own fields of expertise.

Some of our experts, aside from assisting in every way they can to help the community learn as much as they can from them, are regularly contributing to our content and facilitating classes and special events.

Enterprise DNA updates

Last May, we added two new experts to our list – Hafiz Sultan and Jose Bressan. Thank you for sharing your expertise to all our members in the Enterprise DNA Forum.

Before getting to expert status, there is one critical stage to pass – being a Power User. Power Users are members of our community who show great potential in Power BI and other areas relevant to data analysis and reporting. They actively contribute as much as they can in our forum, and share our passion for helping others develop their own skills as well.

Thanks to Udit Chatterjee, Lucian, and Jan van der Wind for displaying these very values. Congratulations for being our newest Power Users. We know that pretty soon, we’ll see you in our list of experts as well.

Business Intelligence Summit and other Power BI events

The Enterprise DNA Business Intelligence Summit was concluded in the final week of May, and wow, what a turnout! It was a four-day event that helped participants discover how much Power BI can optimize their current processes, especially those that require the use of data.

Enterprise DNA updates

The attendees were a healthy mix of business leaders, IT professionals, and data analysts with a varying range of expertise when it comes to Power BI. The summit covered four areas – data evaluation and model planning, thinking and developing effectively, enhancing insights and value proposition, and driving better decisions.

All in all, there were over 30 hours’ worth of content that covered various Power BI tips and techniques, plus downloadable material that can help participants practice what they learned even after the event.

This free event is just one proof of how passionate Enterprise DNA is about delivering knowledge on data analytics, reporting, visualization, and Power BI in general. We regularly have events that are exclusive to Enterprise DNA members, giving so much value to the Enterprise DNA On-Demand. So if you’re not yet a member, take this as your cue to sign up.

Stay tuned to the Enterprise DNA Blog and stay connected to our community at the Enterprise DNA Forum for more updates and announcements.

All the best,

Enterprise DNA Team

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