How to Use the CONCATENATE Function to Combine Text in Excel

by | Excel

Table of Contents

Understanding the Basics of the CONCATENATE Function in Excel


Learn to use the CONCATENATE function to combine text strings effectively in Excel.

Setup Instructions

  1. Open your Excel application.
  2. Enter some sample data into your worksheet, for example:
    • A1: "First"
    • B1: "Name"
    • A2: "John"
    • B2: "Doe"

Practical Implementation

Using the CONCATENATE Function

  1. Click on cell C1 to select it.
  2. Enter the following formula to combine the text in cells A1 and B1:
    =CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1)
  3. Press Enter. The result in cell C1 should be:
    First Name 

Concatenate Rows

  1. Click on cell C2 to select it.
  2. Enter the following formula to combine the text in cells A2 and B2:
    =CONCATENATE(A2, " ", B2)
  3. Press Enter. The result in cell C2 should be:
    John Doe

Filling Down

  • To apply the CONCATENATE function to more rows, click on the bottom right corner of C2 and drag it down to fill the cells below.

By completing these steps, you have successfully used the CONCATENATE function to combine text strings in Excel.

Combining Text from Different Cells with CONCATENATE Function in Excel

Practical Implementation

Step 1: Open your Excel file

  • Open the Excel file where you want to combine text from different cells.

Step 2: Locate the Cells to be Combined

  • Identify the cells containing the text strings you want to combine. Let's assume you have text in cells A2 and B2.

Step 3: Use the CONCATENATE Function

  • Click on the cell where you want the combined text to appear (e.g., C2).

  • Enter the following formula:

    =CONCATENATE(A2, " ", B2)
    • This combines the text in cells A2 and B2, separated by a space.

Step 4: Press Enter

  • Press Enter to see the combined text appear in the selected cell (C2).

Step 5: Copy the Formula (If Needed)

  • If you need to apply the same formula to other rows:
    • Click the cell with the formula (C2).
    • Hover over the bottom-right corner of the cell until you see the fill handle (a small square).
    • Click and drag the fill handle down to apply the formula to other cells.


Assuming you have:

1 FirstName LastName FullName
2 John Doe =CONCATENATE(A2, " ", B2)

After applying the formula, cell C2 should display John Doe.


This practical approach allows you to efficiently combine text from different cells using the CONCATENATE function in Excel.

Adding Custom Text and Special Characters in Excel

Step-by-Step Implementation:

  1. Concatenate Custom Text with Existing Data:

    =CONCATENATE(A1, " Custom Text")
  2. Concatenate Special Characters (e.g., new line, tab):

    =CONCATENATE(A1, CHAR(10), B1)
    • Use CHAR(10) for new line.
    • Remember to enable text wrapping in the cell.
  3. Concatenate Multiple Cells with Delimiters:

    =CONCATENATE(A1, " - ", B1, ":", C1)
  4. Using Ampersand (&) Operator for Concatenation:

    =A1 & " Special Text " & CHAR(9) & B1
    • Use CHAR(9) for tab.
  5. Combine Literal Text and Cell Content:

    ="The value in cell A1 is " & A1 & ". The next cell is " & B1 & "."

Apply the formulas directly into Excel cells to perform text concatenation with custom text and special characters.

Using CONCATENATE with Other Excel Formulas

1. Combining Dates with Text

To combine a date from cell A1 with the text "Invoice Date: ":

=CONCATENATE("Invoice Date: ", TEXT(A1, "mm/dd/yyyy"))

2. Combining a Number with Text

To combine a number from cell B1 with the text "Total Amount: $" and format it to two decimal points:

=CONCATENATE("Total Amount: $", TEXT(B1, "0.00"))

3. Combining Text with a Conditional Statement

To combine text with the result of an IF statement:

=CONCATENATE("Status: ", IF(C1>=50, "Pass", "Fail"))

4. Combining Multiple Functions

To combine text with the results of the SUM function:

=CONCATENATE("The total is: ", SUM(D1:D10))

5. Combining Text with VLOOKUP Results

To combine text with the result of a VLOOKUP function to find a name based on an ID in cell E1:

=CONCATENATE("Employee Name: ", VLOOKUP(E1, $A$1:$B$100, 2, FALSE))

6. Combining CONCATENATE with UPPER/LOWER Functions

To concatenate and convert text to uppercase:


And to lowercase:

=CONCATENATE("Username: ", LOWER(G1))

7. Combining with TRIM and CLEAN

To combine text and remove any extra spaces or non-printable characters in cell H1:

=CONCATENATE("Cleaned Text: ", TRIM(CLEAN(H1)))

8. Using & Operator for Concatenation

For simplicity and better readability, the & operator can be used instead of CONCATENATE, achieving the same results:

Combining "First Name" in cell A2 and "Last Name" in cell B2:

= A2 & " " & B2

This can be applied to most cases above.

Use these practical examples directly in your Excel sheet to effectively combine text using CONCATENATE and other Excel formulas.

Troubleshooting Common Issues Using the CONCATENATE Function in Excel

Issue 1: Cells with Numbers are Not Combining Properly

Problem: When concatenating, numbers may not appear as expected, especially if they have special formatting (e.g., dates, currency).


Ensure that all cell content is converted to text format before concatenation.

=CONCATENATE(TEXT(A1, "0"), " - ", TEXT(B1, "0"))

Issue 2: Handling Empty Cells in Concatenation

Problem: Concatenating cells that may be empty can result in unexpected gaps or formatting issues.


Use the IF function to manage empty cells.

=IF(A1="", "", A1) & IF(B1="", "", B1)

Issue 3: Inconsistent Spacing Between Concatenated Values

Problem: Combining values may lead to missing spaces or extra spaces.


Manually add spaces within the CONCATENATE function.


Issue 4: Unexpected Characters Appearing in Concatenation

Problem: Special characters or unexpected results appear during concatenation.


Apply the CLEAN function to remove non-printable characters.


Issue 5: Maximum String Length Exceeded

Problem: Excel has a character limit of 32,767 characters per cell, which can be exceeded when concatenating large amounts of text.


Manually split the concatenation into multiple cells if you suspect the character limit will be exceeded.


Issue 6: Formula Not Updating Automatically

Problem: Concatenated values do not update automatically when referenced cell values change.


Ensure Excel's calculation mode is set to Automatic.

- Go to the "Formulas" tab
- In the "Calculation" group, click "Calculation Options"
- Select "Automatic"

Issue 7: Text Limit in CONCATENATE Function

Problem: CONCATENATE can exceed function arguments (up to 255 arguments).


Use the & operator as an alternative to CONCATENATE.

=A1 & A2 & B1 & B2

This guide should assist in addressing typical issues encountered with the CONCATENATE function. Apply these solutions to maintain smooth and effective text combination workflows.

Practical Applications and Examples of CONCATENATE Function

Scenario 1: Creating Full Names from Separate First and Last Names

  • Example: You have columns A (First Name) and B (Last Name) and you want to create a full name in column C.
    A2: John
    B2: Doe
    C2: =CONCATENATE(A2, " ", B2)

    Output in C2: John Doe

Scenario 2: Generating Email Addresses

  • Example: Construct email addresses based on first names and last names.
    A2: John
    B2: Doe
    C2: =CONCATENATE(LOWER(A2), ".", LOWER(B2), "")

    Output in C2:

Scenario 3: Creating Mailing Addresses from Multiple Cells

  • Example: Combine street address, city, and zip code into one cell.
    A2: 123 Main St
    B2: Springfield
    C2: IL
    D2: 62704
    E2: =CONCATENATE(A2, ", ", B2, ", ", C2, " ", D2)

    Output in E2: 123 Main St, Springfield, IL 62704

Scenario 4: Merging Product Codes and Descriptions

  • Example: Combine product codes and descriptions for inventory lists.
    A2: P123
    B2: Widget
    C2: =CONCATENATE(A2, " - ", B2)

    Output in C2: P123 – Widget

Scenario 5: Creating a Summary from Data in Different Cells

  • Example: Concatenate data for summary text.
    A2: Sales Report
    B2: January
    C2: 2023
    D2: =CONCATENATE(A2, ": ", B2, " ", C2)

    Output in D2: Sales Report: January 2023

Scenario 6: Combining Dates and Text

  • Example: Generate readable date and event details.
    A2: 1/15/2023
    B2: Meeting
    C2: =CONCATENATE("On ", TEXT(A2, "mmmm dd, yyyy"), " - Event: ", B2)

    Output in C2: On January 15, 2023 – Event: Meeting

Scenario 7: Formatting Phone Numbers

  • Example: Combine area code and phone number.
    A2: 123
    B2: 4567890
    C2: =CONCATENATE("(", A2, ") ", LEFT(B2, 3), "-", RIGHT(B2, 4))

    Output in C2: (123) 456-7890

Scenario 8: Generating Personalized Messages

  • Example: Create custom greeting messages.
    A2: John
    B2: =CONCATENATE("Hello, ", A2, ". Welcome!")

    Output in B2: Hello, John. Welcome!

These implementations focus directly on practical usages of the CONCATENATE function to solve real-life problems within Excel spreadsheets.

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