Power BI Challenge 16 – Consultancy Time and Earnings Analysis

by | Power BI

We saw so many amazing submissions on the 15th round of our Power BI Challenges, so we’re excited to see what everyone’s going to show us as we start the 16th round.

Previously, we did a challenge about Formula 1 Analysis. This time, let’s see how we can use Power BI for something that every business, consultant or organization needs — timesheet utilization.

The jump from F1 races to timesheet utilization only proves further one thing we already know for a fact — that Power BI is such a dynamic tool, you can use it for just about anything.

Challenge #16

When you’re working or running a business, you don’t want any minute wasted. You want every second to count. You’ll ask questions like, “How productive am I being?” or “Where do I spend the most time in?”

Those are the kind of questions we’re going to answer in this challenge.

Because Haroon doesn’t want anyone to start from scratch, he’s providing a .pbix file that already contains existing data. This file would be a great resource in planning your own submission before diving into report development.

Haroon also provided these two other sources that could help participants maximize their reports.

https://www.metric.ai/metricopedia/utilization https://www.smartsheet.com/content/what-is-utilization-rate-formula

Deadline for submission is on October 3.

The Power BI Challenge

The Power BI Challenge has stirred some friendly competition in the Enterprise DNA Forum, but what made it all even more fun is the fact that as the challenges progress, we also saw more and more non-members sending their entries as well.

But more than the number of participants increasing, we’re also seeing amazing improvement among the participants. Our returning participants always come up with better and stronger submissions than their last, proving that this truly is a great learning opportunity.

The prizes that winners get also add so much value to joining these challenges, especially for first-time participants.

Winning Enterprise DNA members get a free membership that can be passed on to a non-member who will benefit from the member-exclusive resources. The top 3 non-member winners, on the other hand, get 1-year complimentary memberships.

As for first-time participant winners, they get to choose one prize from this list:

  1. A copy of the Definitive Guide to DAX, 2nd Edition (what we consider to be our “DAX bible”) or any book in the EDNA Forum Recommended List
  2. A copy of SnagIt 2020, a must-have capture and graphics tool that a lot of our Enterprise DNA experts use
  3. A four-month subscription to FlatIcon.com, an online source for downloadable and editable icons that can make your Power BI reports stand out

All submissions also become part of our Power BI Challenge Showcase. Not only do these downloadable reports serve as great tools for Enterprise DNA members for hands-on practice, it’s also a great avenue for participants to have their work showcased.

power bi challenge

If you want to go all out and go for the win, just focus on these 4 pillars of a great Power BI report:

  • Data loading and transformation
  • Data modeling
  • DAX calculations
  • Reports and visualizations

These are the factors we consider in judging who wins.

How To Join

Here’s how to join the challenge.

  1. Download the data set from the forum.
  2. Post the screenshot of your report and explanation in LinkedIn along with the name of the challenge (e.g. Power BI Challenge 16 – Timesheet Utilization Reporting)
  3. Include this in your post: I accepted the #EnterpriseDNAPowerBIChallenge and hyperlink the challenge post from the Forum.
  4. Submit your PBIX files to [email protected]
power bi challenge

We can’t wait to see the amazing reports you guys will be submitting for this round!

All the best,

Enterprise DNA Team

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Enterprise DNA Team

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